Sunday, November 23, 2008

On Halloween this year we spent most of the day with Greg's family. Before we went to his house we did get a visit from Charles and Valerie. They had taken Sydney Trick-or-treating and made a visit to our apartment so we could see her cute costume. She was a ballerina, and boy was she the cutest ballerina ever. The rest of the night we went to Greg's house. Greg's dad had a mask and was scaring little kids from the ward when they came up to the door. It was so funny. Greg and I then went out to eat with Greg's parents. We ended up going to a Mongolian restaurant. It was quite interesting. I have never eaten out on Halloween and now I know why. Let's just say there are some really crazy people in this world and they all come out on Halloween.



Kristin said...

Yay...I'm glad you finally updated the blog! Okay, so that totally sounds like my dad, those poor little kids :) And your appartment looks way cute!!!

R A C H A E L said...

You have a blog! Right on! Loved reading how you and your hubby met! Such a sweet story. I am adding you to my blog list.

Check mine out

You guys look great together!