Monday, December 22, 2008

Greg's Birthday!!!!!!!

Greg turned the big 25!!!!! For his birthday I got him the first and second season of 30 Rock, which he claims is better than The Office. I don’t know if I agree with him but I do enjoy watching it with him and listening to him laugh really hard. It makes my day. So I have to give myself some credit, I had the hardest time getting the first season. I thought I would be a smart shopper and price around to see where I could get the best deal for both seasons. I found one store that was the cheapest for the first season and one that was cheaper for the second season. Let’s just say the smart shopper thing bit me in the butt. I bought the second season at the one store and then went to get the first season at the other store. By the time I got to the store, they were sold out. I spent the next four days searching for a store that was not sold out of the first season. I finally got the last copy reserved at Target!! Who knew that 30 Rock was that popular?
That evening went out to dinner with Greg’s family to celebrate his birthday. It was really fun. The night before, Greg and I had gone out to eat just the two of us so that we could celebrate together. Greg is amazing and I am so grateful to have him in my life. He is so special to me. I love Greg Reese!!!!!

Ps. Just ignore the Utah hoodie.

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